Planning Your Homebirth with NNMA: Important Considerations

Welcome back to the NNMA (Northern Nevada Midwives Association) blog series on homebirth in Reno! Today, we're discussing crucial considerations to keep in mind as you plan your intimate and empowering homebirth with NNMA.

Preparing for Your Homebirth with NNMA

  • Create Your Birth Plan: Planning is key to a successful homebirth. Work closely with your NNMA midwife to create a comprehensive birth plan that aligns with your preferences and values. This includes outlining your wishes for pain management, birthing positions, and any special requests you may have.

  • Emergency Protocols: While rare, emergencies can happen during childbirth. NNMA ensures your safety by providing detailed emergency protocols. Your midwife will discuss when and how to transfer to a nearby hospital if the need arises.

  • Gather Birthing Supplies: NNMA will provide you with a list of essential supplies for your homebirth. These may include clean towels, sheets, birthing pools if desired, and other items to ensure a comfortable and safe birthing environment.

  • Choose Your Support Team: Surround yourself with a supportive team during your homebirth. Whether it's your partner, family members, or a doula, having trusted individuals by your side can enhance your birthing experience.

  • Discuss Postpartum Care: NNMA's care extends beyond the birthing process. We provide comprehensive postpartum care to support your recovery and adjustment to parenthood. This includes lactation support, newborn care guidance, and regular check-ups for you and your baby.

Understanding Safety and Support with NNMA

At NNMA, safety and support are our top priorities. Our Certified Professional Midwives are extensively trained professionals who specialize in homebirths. You can trust that you are in capable hands throughout your birthing journey.

Addressing Concerns with NNMA

Common concerns about homebirths often revolve around safety, cleanliness, and emergency care. NNMA wants to assure you:

  • Safety: Research consistently shows that homebirths with certified midwives are safe for low-risk pregnancies.

  • Cleanliness: NNMA midwives are experts in maintaining a clean and hygienic birthing environment.

  • Emergency Care: Your NNMA midwife is equipped with emergency medical supplies and has protocols in place for any unexpected situations.

Stay tuned for our next blog post, where we'll debunk common misconceptions about homebirths with NNMA. If you're considering a homebirth and would like to learn more about NNMA's midwife services in Reno NV, please reach out to us. We're here to support you every step of the way!


Dispelling Myths About Homebirthing


Embracing Homebirth with The NNMA: Exploring the Benefits