Frequently Asked

Questions for Midwives

Here are some of the questions we hear the most as Reno Midwives, and the answers!

What is a midwife, and how can they assist during pregnancy and childbirth?

A midwife is a trained health professional specializing in providing care and support during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Midwives offer personalized, holistic care, emphasizing natural processes and empowering women to make informed choices about their birthing experience.

Is a home water birth safe?

When conducted under the guidance of trained professionals like midwives, home water births can be safe for low-risk pregnancies. Safety protocols, emergency preparedness, and careful monitoring ensure a secure birthing experience.

What are the benefits of a home water birth?

Home water births offer a soothing, natural environment, potentially reducing stress and promoting relaxation during labor. Warm water can provide pain relief, and the home setting allows for a more intimate birthing experience.

Are midwives only for home births, or can I use their services in a hospital setting?

Midwives can provide care in various settings, including homes, birth centers, and hospitals. Your choice of birthing environment will be discussed and planned with your midwife to ensure a comfortable and safe experience.

What qualifications do your midwives have?

Our midwives are professionally trained, NARM & MEAC certified, and licensed practitioners with expertise in midwifery. They adhere to strict standards of care and continuously update their skills to provide the highest level of service.

How is insurance handled?

If you have insurance, we will put you in contact with our biller, and she will be able to assist you with coverage.  Because home birth midwives in Nevada are mostly out-of-network providers there are additional steps to perform that we will be able to assist you with maximizing your reimbursement from your insurance company.

What if I need to be transferred to a hospital?

In the rare event that a transfer to the hospital becomes necessary, we will call ahead to make arrangements for your arrival and someone from our team will always accompany you.  

What is the ACOG system?

Prenatal visits every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and weekly thereafter until you have your baby. We offer genetic testing and we draw labs in the clinic for the OB panel, the glucose testing for gestational diabetes at 28 weeks, and GBS testing at 36 weeks.  We also order ultrasounds for dating, and anatomy scans at 20 weeks.  We do an in-office positioning ultrasound at 37 weeks to ensure fetal position.  Your window for a homebirth is 37 to 42 weeks.